One of my contributing writers, Melissa, found something called “The Lipstick Challenge” on another blog, and thought it would be fun if we participated. Each day, contributing writers Brandi, Laura, and Melissa wore a different lipstick according to a theme. Monday | Cheapie Goal: Wear an inexpensive lipstick that you love.
Lipstick: Rimmel London, Bordeaux Outfit: White T-Shirt crop with Pleather circle skirt Review: It didn’t stay on well during lunch time. It also wasn’t creamy and smooth going on. -Laura Lipstick: NYX Extra Creamy Round Lipstick in Violet Ray NYX has a huge array of lipstick color choices, so it was by chance that I stumbled upon Violet Ray. This is an amazing purple shade that isn’t so dark that is skews goth, but is still what I would call a true purple. The Extra Creamy formula is also really great, because while it looks really dark in the tube, it is actually fairly sheer and only becomes dark with layers. -Melissa Tuesday | Nude OR Most Moisturizing I …