The Fine Art of Fashion Illustration is an amazing compilation and history of fashion illustration, covering the Renaissance to the end of the Art Deco period. The book is written by Julian Robinson and Gracie Calvey, whose passion is easy to see, which makes it an extremely enjoyable read. Robinson prefaces the book with: “No book can ever completely demystify the enchanting spell that many of these images project, just as no scientist, philosopher or artist will ever find an exact formula for the perfect female face or the ideal male body.
Beauty is as elusive as it is multi-formed. Its infinite variety defies any generalization, but that has never stopped me trying to share the excitement I felt, and still feel, in the discovery and exploration of the wonderful world of fashion illustration and image-making.” Robinson’s exploration of the “infinite variety” is interesting to follow throughout the book. Seeing the transformation of style and beauty through the years is a clear indicator of what was going on in the world. As a fashion design student, I …